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Working at Carta

  • Working at Carta

  • Working at Carta

  • Working Carta

  • Working at Carta

Apart from perhaps your significant other or your family, there is no one you spend more time with than the people you work with. Working at Carta is about more than being at a stellar company for PR and communications.

It's also more than just the diverse tasks, from developing communications strategies to global media relations. Above all, it's about finding a place where you can continue to grow as part of a great team. We are looking for people who want to find their professional home at Carta, to do great work together in an appreciative environment.


Developing PR strategies takes more than textbook knowledge. It takes an overview of business, media and politics, it takes common sense as well as a passion for finding the one solution that no one has come up with yet. It takes open minds that like to think, and think on their own. That's what we're looking for.

Respectful Attitude

Despite all the fun we have with our daily work and the different characters in the team, there is a limit: We treat each other fairly and respectfully, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination. And if conflicts have to be resolved, then this is also done on the basis of fairness and transparency.


It's likely that we'll all be working for quite a long time - perhaps until our mid-sixties, or even until our seventies. Of course, at Carta you have to take responsibility and deliver your best performance, otherwise it will fall on the shoulders of the others in the team. But we make sure that no one in the team burns out.

Time for Growth

Many employees who are with us today at senior level started as trainees at Carta. And over time, they have gained the knowledge and experience that has made them who they are today.

We support everyone in the team as they develop and facilitate meaningful training, education and certifications. As a result, not only does the team continue to evolve - the agency also continues to reinvent itself. And remains up-to-date and successful, as it has been since 2001.

If this appeals to you - you are welcome to apply!



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Karriere bei Carta
Der Ort, an dem du wachsen kannst

Eine organisch wachsende Agentur mit Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten, einem interessanten, netten Team und einem spannenden Kundenspektrum: Wachse mit uns! Hier siehst du unsere aktuell offenen Stellen.

Darüber hinaus freuen wir uns über Initiativbewerbungen.

Bitte schicke Bewerbungen ausschließlich per E-Mail an die Adresse: bewerbung @

Wir freuen uns darauf!

Offene Stellen

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  • Hits: 2292

Redaktion (EN)



Where good texts are written -
Editorial texts for all media

Carta composes editorial texts for all types of media - excellently researched, technically sound and stylistically clean. Our texts are both media- and target group-oriented. Whether in newsletters, technical reports or advertisements, whether for end customers or experts.

We pick up the reader and ensure with the right tone, depth and scope that the addressee enjoys reading it, understands it and remembers it. Texts about products and services that require explanation are a particular specialty of our multi-member editorial team. We love variety - which means complexity: this is where we are really at home.

The Reason Behind Your Success With Texts By Carta

Industry Insights

In order to meet the special industry requirements, we have created specializations in our team. From the construction sector to mechanical engineering, industry, software and finance to wine & indulgence: We prepare topics with sound background knowledge in an interesting and understandable way for the audience.


Making messages come alive with the right topics and texts: All PR consultants at Carta have a background in journalism or advertising copy. We know what the audience reads and what interests them. Carta delivers memorable texts for a variety of formats.

Copywriting Skills

All PR consultants at Carta are trained copywriters. The articles written by Carta are interesting to read, flow smoothly and are clearly formulated. Content, spelling and punctuation are proofread in a four-eyes principle. Carta texts meet the highest quality standards in every form.

Our services: Copywriting and editing for all formats

  • Press Releases

  • Specialist Articles

  • Case Studies

  • Online Texts (web optimized)

  • Landing Page Texts

  • Newsletter Texts

  • Mailings

  • Brochures

  • Ads

  • Google Ads Texts

  • Speeches

  • Video Scripts


  • International trade press relations for Romaco Group

    Since July 2020, we have been editing or writing press releases, technical articles and smaller reports - through our international team in the desired language as well. We report on product and company news, innovations or trade fair appearances of our customer.

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  • Blog content for Sparkasse Mainz

    For the regional branch of savings bank Sparkasse, we designed and created search engine optimised blog posts.

  • Project reports for Drytech Waterproofing Technology

    For Drytech Waterproofing Technology, a specialist provider of waterproofing for buildings, we design, draft and lay out project reports.


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  • Hits: 4994

Content marketing


CONTENT Marketing

Relevance is King –
Content Marketing with Carta

Whether blogs, webinars, podcasts, social media or email marketing: digital communication channels make it easier than ever for companies to get in touch directly with their dialogue groups. At the same time, however, corporate messages face increasingly fierce competition for attention.

Carta supports B2B and B2C companies in gaining and retaining the attention of their target groups with relevant, beneficial content: As a full-service agency partner for the development of content marketing strategies, the acquisition of new target group insights with audience personas as well as the creation and distribution of high-quality content via the company's own channels in interaction with paid and earned media.

Why content marketing with Carta is successful

Outstanding Content

Carta works for companies that are excellent at what they do - and ensures with first-class editing that this excellence is reflected in the companies' content. Complex, technical topics are our speciality. Our references range from pharmaceutical engineering to cloud computing.

Methodological and Tool Competence

Strategy development, persona interviews, content collaboration, website analytics, search engine optimisation or social media: Content marketing is a broad field. We have the necessary methodological and tool expertise to successfully cultivate this field for our clients as a full-service agency partner.

Integrated Communication

Content marketing alone is good - content marketing in combination with Public Relations and Inbound Marketing is better: as part of integrated communication, we can map the entire content funnel. From national or international (trade) press work to community building on the company's own channels to lead generation and communication with existing customers.

Our agency services in content marketing

  • Goal definition and strategy development: positioning via content

    Which content should be produced for whom with which value proposition? Within the framework of a consulting workshop, Carta supports B2B and B2C companies in defining the goals of a content marketing programme. We analyse and prioritise possible topic areas, evaluate existing marketing measures and touchpoints and assess the content offerings of competitors. On this basis, we develop a content strategy documented in writing with a target group definition, recommendations on content formats and channels and a key performance indicator system to measure success.

  • Corporate Wording Manual: A "brand voice" for your company

    With the development of a corporate wording manual, we support B2B and B2C companies in finding their own language in content marketing, defining do's and don'ts for corporate communication and the spelling of central terms. In this way, we provide all those inside and outside the organisation who are involved in the creation and review of content with a central reference document for operational communication work. If required, we are happy to combine the creation of a corporate wording manual with the development or revision of a corporate design and thus create a complete style guide for your company.

  • Content Audit: New life for old content

    Even companies that are new to content marketing often do not start from scratch in terms of content, but already have a pool of interesting, useful content. In order to make it usable for a content marketing programme, this content only needs to be "polished up" a bit: By preparing it in a reader-friendly way, by laying it out in a contemporary way, by adapting it for new channels and formats or simply by promoting it more effectively. Within the framework of a content audit, we collect, structure and analyse already existing corporate content according to qualitative and quantitative criteria and determine to what extent existing content fits the developed strategy. In this way, we save resources in the subsequent content production and help our clients get more out of their content marketing budget.

  • Content planning: develop topics and assign them to channels

    With content planning, Carta supports B2B and B2C companies in the operational implementation of their content marketing: we talk to specialist contacts within the organisation, collect and prioritise content ideas, assign them to individual channels and formats and maintain an editorial calendar. We also develop proposals on how the reach of content published on the company's own channels can be increased through measures such as press relations (earned media) and paid media.

  • Performance analysis and optimisation

    Measuring success and optimisation We use these content marketing KPIs to increase reach, optimise conversion rates and make the content produced even more relevant for the target groups. Every six months, we conduct qualitative reviews to determine whether the content produced continues to fit the strategy developed and the target group defined. We also design surveys and conduct feedback interviews with representatives of the target group to gain insights for further improvement of the content marketing measures.

  • Audience Personas: Defining an audience for your content

    If you want to communicate effectively, you need a deep understanding of your audience and their questions, wishes and challenges. With the development of audience personas, we support medium-sized companies in gaining new insights into their target groups. For this purpose, we conduct qualitative interviews with customers, partners or other stakeholders as well as internal target group experts (e.g. from sales, service or HR). We combine the results of this qualitative analysis with a quantitative analysis (e.g. of market research and website analysis data) and condense the findings into concise persona profiles. In this way, we create a common understanding among all those involved in content production as to which content should be produced and published for which audience.

  • Content creation and distribution: creating and distributing content

    In our consulting sectors, we create and distribute content for the full spectrum of content marketing - including:

    • Blog posts and social media posts
    • Infographics, charts and animations
    • Scripts for podcasts and videos
    • Email marketing
    • landing pages
    • Whitepapers
    • Conception of webinars and in-person events
    • Online advertising (e.g. banner ads, Google ads, social ads, native advertising)
  • Technical set-up: Efficiency through the right tools

    If you want to communicate with high frequency in content marketing, use multiple channels and not get bogged down in the process, you need a suitable technical infrastructure. Carta supports medium-sized companies in finding and setting up a content marketing platform that fits their budget, their way of working and their organisational goals.


  • Blog Content for Sparkasse Mainz

    For the regional branch of savings bank Sparkasse, we designed and created search engine optimised blog posts and conceived content promotion measures to additionally increase the reach. 

  • White paper campaign for CREALOGIX

    We designed and implemented a whitepaper campaign in 3 language markets (German, English, Chinese) for the digital banking software provider CREALOGIX. 

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  • Project reports for Drytech waterproofing technology

    For Drytech Abdichtungstechnik, a specialist provider of structural waterproofing, we design, write and layout project reports that the company uses to generate leads. 

Try us!

Phone: +49 6232/100 111 21
E-mail: reichhard @

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  • Hits: 2494

Public Relations Strategy


PR Strategy

Strategy - the foundation of successful communication

At Carta, strategy is already in our name - because "strategy & (good) communication" belong together. Whether it's a single product campaign or the positioning of brands and entire companies: Our process ensures that goals are pursued systematically, effectively and efficiently.

Through our consulting services in strategy and conceptual design, we support companies and organizations in placing their communication on a strategic footing and deriving a concrete, realistic and goal-oriented plan of action from it.

We can strategize – because

Tradition of Thought

Think first, act later - since the company was founded in 2001, our maxim has been that our recommendations for action are based on well thought-out analyses. In doing so, we look far beyond the horizon of communication and include environmental factors and business requirements.

Strategies from the Executive Floor

At Carta, experienced consultants, selected specialists and usually also the management collaborate on every concept. We bring our extensive industry experience to the table and create customized strategies instead of following a formula.

Practical and Implementable

We are well versed in theory - but we know that strategies also depend on their feasibility. That's why Carta's concepts include concrete measures with realistic time and budget planning. The benefits of this action planning must exceed the effort required to develop the strategy.


  • Content Strategies

    What makes a company stand out from the competition - and how can this USP be credibly communicated? Embedded in the overall operational planning of communications, we work out a content strategy that aims to build long-term awareness and trust among the relevant target groups.

    The content strategy forms the basis of storytelling, a steady stream of smaller and larger stories that all have just one goal: To tell the very big story - namely, what the company stands for. In this way, we breathe life into the brand essence - and do so much more credibly than could be achieved through an ad placement or a single campaign.

    Our content strategies include:

    • Clarification of communication goals
    • Identification of dialog groups
    • Developing a corporate wording
    • Developing storytelling approaches 
    • Recommendations for channels to be used
    • Definition of roles & responsibilities
    • Determination of release processes
    • Recommendation for monitoring & reporting
    • Definition of KPIs
  • Strategy and Communication Concept Development

    Based on a clearly defined positioning of the company or sector, our concepts create a strategic foundation for the operational measures of communication in Germany, Europe and the global market.

    Our communication concepts start with the facts and figures of the company, such as the existing sales processes, to build a bridge from the market, competitor, target group and SWOT analyses to strategy development as well as the elaboration of target group-specific messages and the planning of concrete measures.

    Within the framework of strategic concept development, we offer, among other things:

    • Communication concepts
    • PR Concepts
    • Online strategie concepts
    • Trade fair & event concepts
  • Market Entry Strategies for and from Germany

    Carta supports German companies with a PR strategy tailored for the relevant national market to harness business opportunities internationally. Our native speakers from the various global language markets know the respective cultural backgrounds and economic customs - so you get a resilient country-specific market entry strategy.

    We also support foreign companies entering the German market by adapting or further developing their PR strategy for the German-speaking market. For example, we adapt messages to the expectations of the German target group, analyze the local market situation (also on a regional or local level) and recommend new or adapted measures.

  • Positioning Guidance for Brands and Companies

    The right positioning establishes a company's credibility and ensures efficient communication. It is derived directly from a company's DNA - its philosophy, services, products, everything that distinguishes it from the competition in relevant markets and attracts target groups.

    The same principle applies to brand development: Ideally, positioning follows the unique selling points of a product and ultimately proclaims its raison d'être.


  • Strategic project conceptualization for Bodensee-Wasserversorgung

    Together with our partner agency Kaltwasser, we created a strategic communications concept for the Zukunftsquelle project by Lake Constance Water Utility, which is scheduled to run for decades.

  • Brand development for alkus

    We developed a comprehensive strategic communications concept for the innovative formwork panel manufacturer and adapted it over time to changing market and company strategies.

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  • Positioning Workshop for
    Energy Agency Rhineland-Palatinate

    In a workshop at management and expert level, we supported the Energy Agency in repositioning itself in the changed political and economic environment.

Read more …Public Relations Strategy

  • Hits: 2208