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Public Relations


Every company has a story to tell and Carta tells it - to the right target groups in the right way.

We translate positioning and messages into consistent storytelling, identify relevant topics and channels, and in this way bring our clients to life for their stakeholders.

With well thought-out PR strategies, first-class editing and market-leading tools, we maximise the effectiveness in owned media and the opportunities for publications in earned media.



Thinking pays off. Always!


Popular since 1450.

international press work

What decision-makers read.


What do people say about you?


The more complex, the better!


Messages to look at.


International trade press relations for Romaco

We support this leading supplier of packaging and process technology with worldwide trade press work - from editing to contact management through native speakers to global distribution.

Corporate Communication
for DuPont

We handled corporate communications for DuPont Germany during their merger with Dow Chemical and the subsequent split into three new specialized companies.

Public relations strategy
for alkus AG

We have been supporting alkus AG in almost all areas of communication since 2012 - based on various strategic concepts for different target groups.

Communication creates trust

Expectations of companies regarding transparency and dialogue are increasing. Systematic, continuous and credible communication helps to establish a positive narrative about the company as well as to build trust among the respective stakeholders - and to maintain it in the long term. With our services in the field of public relations, we at Carta have been supporting our clients at home and abroad in this task since 2003, from medium-sized companies to DAX-listed companies.

The story must be told

As part of the PR strategy development, we work out the organisation's storytelling together with our clients. In this way, Carta ensures that their story is told in the appropriate format and heard in a diverse media landscape - online and offline, in trade and consumer media. Active topic management that supports our clients' strategic messages and ongoing dialogue with clients and journalists are key success factors. Depending on the goal, target group, medium, country of focus or sector, we can also take on other activities that complement our media work - from the creation of white papers to the placement of advertisements.

Prepared for the crisis

Due to a growing sensitivity among the population ("angry citizens") and the high escalation and mobilisation potential of social media, the topic of crisis communication has steadily gained in importance in recent years. By reacting intelligently in a crisis, damage to the image can be cushioned and the trust of stakeholders and the public can be regained more quickly. We support our clients in the event of a crisis and with forward-looking measures that can help them to better control risks or avoid them altogether. You can find out more about this in the Public Affairs section.

Use our expertise for the dialogue
with your target groups!

Phone: +49 6232/100 111 22
E-mail: bischoff @