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SEO Consulting

Search engine optimization -
A solid foundation for online communication

Google and the like are becoming increasingly efficient relevance machines - which is why our expertise in the conception, editing and design of web content ensures that our customers' online presences provide precisely the content that is sought by their target groups and best presented by search engines. This creates a strong basis for their pull communication and an optimal prerequisite for numerous other online measures.

Our expertise in the area of on-page optimization also includes technical SEO. With the help of industry-leading tools and experienced programmers, we ensure that all technical prerequisites are in place to guarantee optimal findability of our customers on the Internet.

SEO with Carta - visible to the target groups

Kings of Content

Good content is our hobbyhorse: Our team of experienced editors, industry specialists and communication designers creates content in the course of on-page SEO so that it increases visibility while convincing the respective target groups.

Digital Diversity

The experts at Carta are as versatile as the possibilities for improving visibility on the web. In our digital team, different digital specializations come together to develop the best online solutions for our customers.

At Home in Any Industry

For over 20 years, we have been helping organizations in different industries to communicate in a targeted and effective way. That's why we can design SEO in a way that gives our clients optimal visibility, especially for their industry-specific target groups.

Our services: Targeted visibility with search engine optimization

SEO Analysis & Consulting

  • Evaluation of the current status with regard to findability, assigned search terms, technical requirements, among other things
  • Developing optimization approaches

Implementing Basic SEO

Basic optimization measures for:

  • Technical setup
  • Content development and setup
  • Link structure

Continuous SEO

  • Development of strategies to ensure visibility in the medium and long term
  • Continuous monitoring of visibility
  • Continuous optimization of content


SEO for alkus

Brand visibility: We successfully supported the construction materials company alkus in making their formwork panel solution discoverable for formwork manufacturers and the construction industry.

SEO for Hand and Plastic Surgery Kurpfalz

Patient acquisition: Through our SEO-optimized website content, we contributed to the establishment of the practice for hand surgery and plastic surgery in Mannheim.

SEA for Law Practice
Pabst | Lorenz + Partners

Customer acquisition: Technical SEO and SEO-optimized texts by Carta bring selected services of the law firm Pabst | Lorenz + Partner to the top SERP.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) -
Building the right link profile with off-page optimization

Another aspect of search engine optimization is off-page optimization. Above all, so-called link building is central here - in which backlinks are created and the link profile of a website is expanded.

One way of generating strong and relevant links is trade press work (link to corresponding page). We place articles about our customers in trade media that have an online presence. These publications strengthen the company twice over - by reaching specific target groups and by the effect on findability on the Internet.

Another strategy in off-page optimization is the provision of relevant, good content on one's own page and its targeted promotion. This encourages other organizations and companies to link to this content and thus generate valuable backlinks with a lot of link juice.

Basically, it should be noted that link building is not a one-time, quick action, but a medium- to long-term project. However, this is not a negative point - on the contrary: search engines like Google rate organic growth positively.

Can we support you in SEO?

Phone: +49 6232/100 111 20
E-Mail: harris @